Hobbies Things to Do in Public Funny

When someone asks you what you do for fun, do you have any interesting hobbies to talk about?

If not, it's well worth your time to pick up a cool hobby and commit regular time to it.

You may think you're too busy for a leisure activity or that it's indulgent to spend your time in a way that isn't considered productive.

However, having a hobby isn't just for fun and enjoyment.

There are many benefits to trying unique hobbies that can improve your life and career.

Good hobbies can help you:

  • Relieve stress.
  • Build your self-confidence.
  • Become a more interesting person.
  • Find a new passion.
  • Hone your skills.
  • Create new social connections.
  • Bring in additional income.

If you are ready to try some new hobbies, you have come to the right place.

Let's look at 50 hobby ideas that might spark your imagination.

50 Of The Most Interesting Hobbies To Try This Year

Fun Interesting Hobbies

1. Upcycle your things.

Crafting is both fun hobby and therapeutic, and upcycling means you can take the things that you own but have no use for anymore and then turn them into new treasures.

Once you upcycle one thing, you will probably want to do it with everything you have ever used.

To get started, find the things in your house that are just sitting around gathering dust. Rather than throwing them away, think about some potential projects you could create.

For example, you can spray paint an old glass jar to make it into a modern vase or make a magazine rack with old plastic bottles.

2. Learn photography.

Taking pictures with your smartphone and using a filter on social media is one way to have a creative hobby, but learning how to do digital photography will give you a project that can result in a picture quality that you could never get from snapping a selfie.

To start, buy a digital camera that you are comfortable using. After you get used to it, you can buy some separate lenses to attach to your camera to produce higher-quality photos.

Look for a photography class in your area to get a grasp on how to start using your camera and then get out there and start experimenting.

3. Volunteer.

Volunteering your time may be more valuable to some organizations than a monetary donation.

Find an good organization that interests you or that you are passionate about and set up a time where you can help them with their mission on a regular basis.

Some places that people enjoy volunteering include animal shelters, soup kitchens, and children's hospitals. You can even volunteer as part of your vacation plans or adventure travel.

4. Learn to play the guitar.

Learning how to play guitar is interesting hobby for so many people. Playing guitar will benefit you and the people you spend your time with.

After learning a few simple chords, you can start to put songs together that you can play during social gatherings or when you are just at home with your family.

This can also be a relaxing hobby once you get the hang of it because you can start creating your own music and expressing yourself in this unique way.

If you can afford it, the best thing you can do is to work with a teacher. A teacher will help you improve quicker than if you teach yourself, and they will also keep you motivated to practice so you will keep it up.

5. Do stand-up comedy.

Finding a studio to practice stand-up comedy will allow you to meet some new people who are, by nature, a lot of fun to be around and can help you learn how to perform.

This might be a good thing to do if you are trying to overcome a fear of public speaking, or you have always been funny and you want to share your humor with the world.

6. Try rock climbing.

Rock climbing is an active hobby and an exhilarating sport that can be done both inside and outside.

There are lots of classes that can teach you the basics such as how to use your equipment, how to belay, and how to do lead climbing. Rock climbing is a wonderful activity to help increase your strength and tone muscle.

Go on rock climbing adventures in the great outdoors, or you can even set up your own climbing wall in your backyard or inside your home.

The most basic pieces of equipment you will need to start rock climbing include rock climbing shoes, a helmet, a harness, a belay device, and a carabiner.

7. Get your groove on with dancing.

You can learn some new moves by dancing along to a video at home or taking a dance class.

Dancing is great exercise, it is fun, and it allows you to engage with other people.

Whether you take up a more serious ballroom-type dance, or you want to do something less formal, dancing will certainly help ease your stress.

8. Build electronics.

Building robots or any kind of multi-component responsive device can teach you about the human brain and the signals it sends to demand action.

Computers and more simplistic electronics are created based on how our brains work.

It can be a lot of fun to use your latest invention in a competition or battle against the inventions of your friends.

Use trial and error to figure out how to perfect your creations and engage your brain on several different critical levels.

9. Practice tai chi.

You can reduce stress and become more mindful with the ancient Chinese practice of tai chi.

Tai chi is a gentle form of physical exercise and stretching that is noncompetitive and self-paced. It involves practicing a series of movements that are slow and performed with focus while breathing deeply.

Each movement flows into the next without pausing, so your body is in constant motion. It is a low impact exercise that requires no special equipment and is inexpensive to practice.

10. Learn archery.

Practicing archery improves your focus and hand-eye coordination. It also strengthens your upper body and improves your confidence and patience.

Archery is a lot like golf in some ways. It is a quiet, mostly individual sport that requires precision.

It is a hobby that requires constant improvement, but it is enjoyable to practice. Archery is inexpensive to get into, and if you treat your equipment right, it will last forever.

11. Learn to homebrew beer.

This cool adult hobby combines chemistry and physics and will teach you how to create a product that you actually want to consume through experimentation and trial and error.

You can have fun exploring new and creative techniques to come up with different types of beers to enjoy.

Homebrewing does not require much equipment, and there are many step-by-step guides you can find online for free. All you need is time and some friends to act as guinea pigs while you refine your skills.

12. Practice thrifting.

Take a little time each week to browse through the flea markets and your local antique shops.

With just a little bit of research, you can learn to pick out items that are authentic antiques and true treasures versus items that are cheap, old junk.

You can refurbish these items to use for yourself or as gifts, or you can learn how to sell thrift items to bring in some extra cash.

13. Learn how to quilt.

Do you enjoy working with your hands, beautiful fabrics, and creating something useful for you or someone you can about?

If so, quilting could be the perfect habit for you. Quilting is a traditional art form that allows you to express your own creativity in the designs you choose for each quilt.

You can quilt by yourself or join a community of quilters who can help you learn the ropes.

14. Enjoy adventure traveling.

Rather than taking your typical trip to Grandma's or to the beach, make your travel more exciting by planning adventure vacations.

You can go hiking, camping, river rafting, sailing, or enjoy any number of unique trips that are unique and fun. Part of this hobby for adults includes the joy of planning an adventure trip and choosing your destinations.

15. Go to concerts.

Do you love music and follow the concert schedules of your favorite bands? Why not make your passion for music a hobby by attending as many events as possible.

It's great to hear the music you love on Spotify, but listening to live music makes you part of a celebration that brings the music to life.

Lots of venues offer free or low-cost tickets, so it doesn't have to be an expensive hobby. Collect your ticket stubs to help you remember each event.

16. Try international cooking.

Do you enjoy going out to your favorite Indian or Thai restaurant? Have you always wanted to learn the art of French cuisine?

Develop a hobby for cooking food from countries around the world and expand your culinary horizons.

Indoor Hobbies

17. Practice journaling.

Keeping a journal helps you use your creativity and improve your writing skills.

Writing in a journal on a regular basis has been proven to help you process your thoughts and release your stress on paper to get it out of your mind.

There are so many types of journals, such as productivity journals, gratitude journals, relationship journals, and just about any topic you can imagine.

18. Play poker.

Poker, as well as other card games, is a fun way to be social while enhancing your skills in assessing risks and benefits.

Playing poker also teaches you how to read other people's non-verbal communication.

Get some friends together for a night of poker every now and then and make an occasion of it.

19. Enjoy fantasy sports.

Are you a sports fanatic? If so, use your knowledge and passion to join millions of fans who play fantasy sports.

Choose from real players in an online draft to create your fantasy team. All fantasy players' real-game statistics are compared to see whose has done the best.

You can track how your fantasy team is doing using websites or mobile apps. You can join public leagues or leagues with friends to compete against only people you know.

20. Become a chess master.

It can take a long time to really master the game of chess, but learning the basic strategies of observation, planning, and judging your opponent's skill can be adopted quickly.

It is a satisfying game once you get the hang of it and you will enjoy exercising your brain while you play. Also, you can apply these skills to your real life.

Chess sets are a cheap hobby and you can get technique guides in print and online for free.

21. Enjoy wine tasting.

You don't have to travel to France or Napa Valley to learn about wines and enjoy wine tasting.

You can become a connoisseur in your own home or when you go out to dinner by trying different wines and learning to recognize the complexities of each variety.

Start a home wine collection and learn what appeals to your palate. Use your wine-tasting adult hobby as a good reason to bring friends together for dinner and a tasting.

22. Get back to writing letters.

Getting a handwritten letter always makes people feel special since it takes time and is so unusual in our technology-driven culture.

Aside from writing letters to family and friends, consider writing to strangers who may appreciate it, like military personnel or seniors living in nursing homes.

Buy some stationery or postcards and stamps and think of some people who may enjoy getting a personal note from you.

23. Learn calligraphy.

You will get a huge sense of satisfaction from being able to create incredibly beautiful lettering using calligraphy.

Also, knowing how to do calligraphy can come in handy when you want to send out invitations or cards.

To start, you'll need a nib, a straight pen, ink, tracing paper, a grid for practicing, and any other type of paper you want to use for practice before moving onto a thicker cardstock.

24. Start a book club.

Getting a group of friends together on a regular basis for something other than lunch can be both fun and interesting.

To get started, find some friends that share some of your interests and get a sense of what people might want to read. Once you've decided on a genre, pick your first book and decide on a meeting schedule.

25. Get creative with adult coloring books.

If you want to create some art but need to stay within the lines, coloring in an adult coloring book is a great place to start.

The outlines are already created for you so you just have to focus on choosing your colors and relaxing your mind.

26. Start scrapbooking.

Scrapbooking is a great way to keep track of your memories and experiences in life.

You can make a scrapbook with pictures of your family, keepsakes from a vacation, or even your school years.

Scrapbooking supplies are inexpensive, and you can get free printable ideas online.

27. Practice yoga.

Yoga is a relaxing, meditative and easy hobby that will allow you to calm your mind and body at the same time.

You only need a yoga mat to start, and you can get some videos online, take a yoga class, or get a yoga DVD and you will be ready to go.

There are many physical and mental benefits to practicing yoga, so this hobby is a healthy one to take up.

28. Read self-improvement books.

Reading self-improvement books is such a rewarding hobby because it allows you to continuously learn about any topic that you choose.

Reading is the perfect way to exercise your mind as you either read through nonfiction works that interest you or you and help you become a better person.

This is an inexpensive hobby that can be enjoyed by anyone, no matter what your interests are.

29. Start a blog.

Is there something that you are an expert in or you love to talk about?

If so, you can share your knowledge with the world through a blog.

This will give you an opportunity to communicate with people worldwide about your topic of choice and get the opinions of your readers.

Blogging can even help you bring in some extra income if you choose to allow companies to use your space to advertise their products or you create products to sell yourself.

Outdoor Active Hobbies

30. Enjoy camping adventures.

Spending just one week in nature can help you reset your circadian rhythms.

Camping can help improve clinical depression and gives you a healthy form of exercise while allowing you to disconnect from your world back home.

You can buy just a few pieces of gear and be ready to start camping. Once you have a tent, proper shoes, some safety supplies, and a sleeping bag, you will be good to go enjoy and sleep in the great outdoors.

Grab your friends and gather around the campfire for some great bonding time. Bring along ingredients to make s'mores and create some lasting memories.

31. Go fish.

Fishing can be a relaxing interesting hobby, especially when you're out on calm waters.

However, it can also be exhilarating as you reel in a big fighting fish.

You don't need too much gear to start, and it is a great outdoor hobby that allows you to explore the bodies of water around you or go on a fishing adventure.

32. Take up jogging.

Jogging outside can help you relax and reduce stress while also giving you a great workout and allowing you to explore your neighborhood.

You can go at your own pace and take this time to reflect or to listen to that podcast you have been looking forward to.

33. Become a master griller.

Do you enjoy being outside and grilling a delicious meal for family and friends?

Don't make this a once-in-a-while event. Learn the art of grilling meats, vegetables, and anything your taste buds are craving.

Just be sure you have a grill that's good enough to merit your regular efforts and that motivates you to get out there and fire it up.

34. Learn to ski.

Whether you are water skiing or snow skiing, this is an exhilarating sport that requires a bit of skill but also offers a lot of room for improvement.

Skiing is great exercise and it will teach you how to accurately judge distance, understand how your body moves through space, and how to quickly make correct decisions.

35. Play paintball.

It does cost a little bit of money to gear up for paintball, but it can enrich your life immensely and it gives you an opportunity to get valuable physical activity.

When you play with a team, you will learn and practice cooperative planning and implementation skills that you can transfer to your professional life or any other group endeavor.

You will also become used to assessing your environment and noticing small details. Plus, you will have a ton of fun.

36. Take up bird watching.

Being a birdwatcher all about being knowledgeable about what bird movements look like, the various kinds of sounds they make, and the different types of species you might find in your environment.

While you could just go out in your neighborhood, the most interesting places to watch birds is away from cities where the birds are able to feel safe and you're more likely to find a variety of species.

37. Join a sports league.

Whether it's tennis, softball, soccer, basketball or another sport, sports league in your community is a great way to socialize with people while also getting in a bit of exercise.

Pick a sport that you enjoy, then research the community sports leagues in your area to find one that is right for you. If you are hesitant to join a league alone, recruit a friend to join with you.

38. Do some gardening.

Gardening will get you outside, give you a beautiful landscape to enjoy, and even help reduce your grocery bill if you start growing fruits and vegetables.

You can start by getting a set of gardening tools, figuring out what grows well in your area, and building an enclosed garden.

39. Go geocaching.

Geocaching is a fun outdoor active hobbiy where you use a GPS to hide and find treasures (called "geocaches") at locations marked by coordinates around the world.

A standard cache is a waterproof container with a logbook in it for each geocacher to sign. The caches contain small, inexpensive treasures such as books, CDs, or personal trinkets.

Unique Hobbies

40. Restore furniture.

Refinishing and reupholstering old furniture into something new and modern is a fantastic hobby. You can turn unsightly wood into fresh cabinets, tables, and chairs.

You can get some inexpensive, old furniture from antique stores or thrift stores and clean them up, refinish them, and then sell them to make some extra money.

People are always throwing away furniture that is actually still functional and repairable. Turn "junk" into new home décor items or cash.

41. Can and preserve food.

Canning and preserving food is becoming more and more popular with the survivalist movement that is going on.

Canning is a great way to make an emergency stash of food or to preserve fruit or vegetables that have grown in an abundance in your yard or gotten from your local farmer's market that you don't want to waste.

It doesn't cost much money to start canning and there are some tutorials online on how to get started.

42. Try origami.

This is an inexpensive hobby that can be done alone or with older children. Origami is the art of using one sheet of paper without scissors or glue to make a beautiful and intricate creation.

Origami is a fun hobby for all kinds of people because it caters to people who love art and to those who love math.

As you progress your skill, you will learn to make up fold sequences and create something without having to follow directions.

Once you get the hang of it, you can use your origami to make cards, ornaments, envelopes, notebooks, doll clothes, or anything else creative you can think of.

43. Go foraging.

Learn what plants you can and cannot eat and go out and try to pick food that you can cook from a public area, garden, or park.

Some people like to forage for wild mushrooms and some like to look for unique berries to add to their meals. Just make sure to do your research so you don't end up with something that could harm you if you consume it.

44. Start a collection.

Do you own something that is really cool like an old stamp or coin?

How about a piece of art from an old comic book? Start a collection of some sort and make it a challenge to fill your collection with the most unique things you can find.

Go to thrift stores or look online to see what kinds of things you can score to add to your collection and display them proudly.

45. Learn a new language.

Learning a new language will help you learn about another culture, and it will expand your horizons.

Being bilingual is a unique skill that is highly sought-after in the workplace, and it can benefit you if you choose to travel.

Learning a new language may be time-consuming, but it is worth it in the end. Plus, you will be able to communicate with different types of people that you would otherwise have no interaction with due to the language barrier.

46. Learn how to do magic.

Everyone loves a good magic trick, and if you are the one doing it, people will be amused and impressed by your talent.

Learn some fun magic tricks that you can do at your next social gathering, and try to master one that you have never come across before so you can show people something new.

47. Learn how to invest your money.

It can benefit you hugely in the long run if you make investing a hobby.

You can learn to set yourself up for financial success and gain some financial independence by learning how to be smart with your earnings.

It may sound like a boring subject, but once you get involved with investing, you will likely find it satisfying and challenging.

48. Learn astrology.

According to the site How Stuff Works, "Astrology is the study of the influence that distant cosmic objects, usually stars and planets, have on human lives."

The position at the time of your birth of the sun, stars, moon, and planets impacts your personality, relationships, career, and all aspects of your life.

With a little study, you can learn your own astrological chart and help others better understand themselves

49. Write your book.

Have you always dreamed of writing a book? Now it's easier than ever since you don't have to rely on a big publisher to accept your manuscript.

You can self-publish your book and take control of the process yourself. Just start writing a few hundred words every day, and you'll be surprised at how quickly you can complete your book.

50. Host board game nights.

Find some of the most popular board games and invite a group of friends over to play.

Not only is this a fun and unique way to get together with friends, but it is also much less expensive than a night out on the town!

It's tough to overstate the benefits of trying new hobbies. When you try something new instead of repeating the same activities over and over, your brain creates new neural pathways.

By increasing the number of neural pathways in your brain, you will also expand your creativity and reduce the likelihood of developing dementia later on in life.

Try a few things on this list that you think fit well with your interests and see how much you can learn in a year.

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Need an interesting fun new hobby? Here's our list of interesting hobbies to pick up this year. Great for adults and teens.


Source: https://liveboldandbloom.com/10/habits/interesting-hobbies

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